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Registration Form 5th European Wool Association study tour-Greece

Mit * markierte Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden.


4th of July and 7th of July:

Accommodation in Thessaloniki must be booked independently. We recommend booking at the ABC Hotel.


Accommodation in Dolo 5th and 6th of July:

Guesthouse “Americano” (max occupancy 8)

3 double rooms (6 people)


Guesthouse “Valeras” (max occupancy 8)

2 double rooms

1 quadruple room


Central Lodge (max occupancy 11)

1 double room

3 triple rooms


Shared double room with ensuite bathroom € 430,00 per person*


Shared triple room with ensuite bathroom € 422,00 per person*


Shared quadruple room with ensuite bathroom € 410,00 per person*


*accomodation in Dolo, breakfast,lunch&dinner in Dolo and all transfers included


Tour 1 only lunch&dinner in Dolo and all transfers included. Single Room in Ioannina at own costs: € 360,00


Shared double room with ensuite bathroom € 315,00 per person*          



Shared triple room with ensuite bathroom € 307,00 per person*  


Shared quadruple room with ensuite bathroom € 295,00 per person*  


*accomodation in Dolo, breakfast,lunch&dinner in Dolo and all transfers included


Tour 2 only lunch&dinner in Dolo and all transfers included. Single Room in Ioannina at own costs: € 245,00



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