6th EWA Study Tour Texel
EWA STUDYTOUR to TEXEL, The Netherlands
25th, 26th, 27th of March 2025
Renske van den Tempel, www.texelseschapenwol.nl
Day of arrival: Monday 24th of March
Day of departure: Friday 28th of March
5- 24 participants, for EWA- members only
Assignment closes at 10th of January 2025
Costs per person:
Hotel Room single use € 445,-
Hotel Room double use € 445,-
Program EWA members € 250,-
non-EWA members € 300,-
Diners and one lunch at your own expense
Woolbath optional € 70,-
Program subjects
Presentation: How Texel became and still is a sheep- and wool island
Landscape tour with explanation
Visit to Heritage museum
Visits to a Studbook Breeder, a traditional sheepfarmer en a sheperdess
Demonstrations shearing and preparing a sheep for a show
Working with wool
Visit to the duvetfactory Texelwool
Meeting with the members of the Texel Wool Guilt
Wool and art
Visit to an artwork and a art- installation of two Texel wool-artists
Wool and tourism
Visit to the tourist- sheepfarm
Visit to different yarn/felt/wooltextile shops
Woolbath (Relax wrapped in carded wool)